DCComicsmovie.com is a fansite for the comic book company DC Comics, that’s ran by the fans for the fans and is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by DC Comics. Our main goal is to report on all the latest breaking DC Entertainment news be movies, television, homevideo, video games, comic books and much more, but at the moment our main forces has been movies and television due to lack of staff.
DCComicsmovie.com was first launched in late November 2014 with the main intentions of creating a site where DC Comics fans could have a safe haven and a base for the latest DC related news, even the ones that sometimes don’t find their way on most movie or comic book related news sites, in one centralized location with no negative bias.
Our love for DC Comics and its entertainment products is what created this site and what keeps us going, we truly hope that shows with our hard work everyday.