DCComicsMovie.com was made with the DC Comics fan in mind, we’ve always wanted to give fans the opportunity to take part in the site by giving you the power to submit content, as the idea for this site is for the fans by the fans.
Now in the past we’ve tried to have open resignation, but unfortunately we were met with many spam resignations that we couldn’t keep up with what was a real resignation and spambot resignation. Due to that, for now on we ask anyone who would like to contribute to DCComicsMovie.com to fill out the following form below.
Note: These are some of the following contribution we’re mainly seeking at the moment, but you’re not limited to as a Contributor:
- Editors – Need someone who knows how to use Word Press that can oversee and approve submitted article by Contributors.
- DC Television Reporters – Reporting on the latest DC Comics television news.
- Reviewers – For DC Comics Movies, Television and Video Games past and present.
Please before you imply to become a Contributor, be sure this is something you want to do and not sit idle with a login to the site without ever actually contributing anything to it. Everyone who requests to become a Contributor, if you don’t post something within the first week of being registered you will be discontinued access to the backend of the site.