Production on the fifth installment to the DC Extended Universe is nearing, as sets for Aquaman are starting to be erected and Jason Momoa, who plays the title character in the film, was sighted arriving in Adelaide, Australia for a Comic Convention.Aquaman is being filmed in Queenland, Australia, with that we strongly speculate Momoa will go from Adelaide go the Queenland to start production on the film, which is being reported to begin on May 22, 2017, in hand pre-production for the film which is already in progress will continue until principal photography begins.
Set building for AQUAMAN progresses in advance of cast-members nearing arrival at Australia's Gold Coast!
— The Aquaverse (@AquamanUniverse) March 28, 2017
— Mitchiijohn 🎃👻 (@MitchiiJohn) March 31, 2017
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