Henry Cavill Gives Out Batman V Superman Challenge Coins


Henry Cavill who plays Superman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has taken on the habit of giving challenge coins to cast and crew ever since working on Man of Steel, which is where he learned of the US Military tradition of giving out commemorate coins to the different branches of the military, as he explained in his letter that was attached to the Man of Steel challenge coin.man_of_steel_coin

“Thank you so much for all of your hard work over such a long shoot. During shooting I discovered that the US military have a series of coins to commemorate each department and individual force within the military so I thought, considering the epic journey we all went through on such an iconic project, it only fair that we have our own coin too! This is just a little souvenir to keep and remember the satisfyingly hard work and the good times from start to finish.”

Now he’s done the same with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice as seen in these photos that were tweets out of the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice challenge coin, front and back:

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