Jesse Eisenberg Almost Played Jimmy Olsen in Batman v Superman


As it was previously reported Jesse Eisenberg was up for another role before landing the role of Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and that role was of Daily Planet photographer Jimmy Olsen.

Director Zack Snyder confirmed Eisenberg original casting during an interview with Entertainment Weekly, stating due to how the character is handled in the film, which in the article itself they spoil an aspect of the film for those who haven’t already seen the film, so beware of that.  Snyder decided to go with actor Michael Cassidy for the role, who some may know him as Grant Gabriel on Smallville.




Jimmy is the photographer who accompanies Lois Lane on a mission to interview a warlord in Africa, and soon outed as a CIA plant, then he gets shot in the head and dies in front of a horrified Lois Lane.

Zack Snyder explains his decision to sacrifice Jimmy Olsen:

“We just did it as this little aside because we had been tracking where we thought the movies were gonna go, and we don’t have room for Jimmy Olsen in our big pantheon of characters, but we can have fun with him, right?”



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