Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Sandman


During Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s press junket for Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For, Gordon-Levitt was interviewed by MovieFone and they were able to get some information out of him in regards to Sandman and it seems like things are finally being put into motion with the film!

So where are you with “Sandman” right now?


Right now we’re working on a script. It’s me and Goyer and the screenwriter and Neil Gaiman, as well as the good folks at DC and Warner Bros. It’s a really cool team of people. It’s a lot of the same people who worked on the Nolan “Batman” movies. It’s really exciting. There’s not a script yet, we’re still kind of working it out because it’s such a complicated adaptation because “Sandman” wasn’t written as novels. “Sin City” was written as a novel. “Sandman” is 75 episodic issues. There’s a reason people have been trying and failing to adapt “Sandman” for the past 20 years.

Do you have the right take to finally make it happen?


You know, we’re still in the middle of it, so I don’t want to make any claims, but I think we’ve got the right ideas.

Have you talked about a “Sandman” universe?


It’s such a huge world. We’re definitely talking about in terms of a whole world.

Would you be down for tackling other aspects of this universe?


Who knows man?! I’m flattered you’re asking. But I can’t say anything committal.

Source: Moviefone

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