Justice League Sunday Trailer Runtime Confirmed


The runtime for the latest Justice League trailer that’s set to be released this upcoming Sunday, October 8th is being confirmed to be 2:25 minutes long, according to the official Alberta trailer classified listing for all trailers, commercials and public service announcements that play in Canadian theaters.

This will make the trailer shorter than the special Comic-Con Footage shown last year at San Diego Comic Con 2016, which was 2:45 minutes and the first official trailer, which was 2:32 minutes and the Comic-Con Sneak Peek from this year’s San Diego Comic Con, which was the longest thus far, clocking at 4:11 minutes.

Hopefully with the trailer being shorter than the previous three trailer can reassured fan that they won’t be spoiled too much of what they can look forward to, when it comes to the movie releases on November 17th.

Source: Alberta.ca

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