Michael Kogge Writing Batman v Superman Prequel Novel


Author Michael Kogge, who’s writing the Star Wars Rebels novels and written Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, is writing a junior tie-in prequel novel for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Kogge confirms his involvement in an interview with Santa Monica Mirror, when talking about his love for the superhero universe and for the characters of Batman and Superman.

Besides his obvious love of the “Star Wars” film franchise, Kogge is also a big fan of comic books and the superhero universe. He is writing the “Batman v Superman” junior tie-in prequel novel for the Zack Snyder film coming out next March.

“It’s such a pleasure to be writing Batman and Superman,” Kogge said. “I’ve always loved those characters so it’s working with another mythology.”

To read the full interview head over to Smmirror.com.

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