Michelle MacLaren Says Wonder Woman is Not Officially Greenlit


Michelle MacLaren, the director for Wonder Woman was recently interviewed by Vulture for the December 29th issue of New York Magazine, and was asked for details on the Wonder Woman film.

I ask the director for details about the DC Comics epic Wonder Woman, which she was picked to direct after a lengthy, widely publicized search. She stirs her tea. Then she warns that at the moment there is no script, no release date. There’s not even an official green light from the film’s releasing studio, Warner Bros.—and even if there were, nondisclosure agreements and her paranoia about jinxing things would keep her mum. “I really, ­really, really can’t talk about this,” she says, then gestures toward the restaurant’s picture windows, with their action-film-worthy Hollywood panoramas. “I just picture a drone coming in over the hills and crashing through the glass and flying over here and putting duct tape over my mouth, you know?”

Now this quote is making some people nervous, because it’s having them believe that the Wonder Woman film isn’t really happening. Even though nothing in the article confirms that, as it has the following statement existing within it:

…There’s not even an official green light from the film’s releasing studio, Warner Bros.—and even if there were, nondisclosure agreements and her paranoia about jinxing things would keep her mum.

Just like that, MacLaren can’t talk about the film, meaning she can’t confirm anything.

The truth is, the film is in its early stage of development, in movie industry terms– a film isn’t officially green-lit until they go through the following development stage as explained on Wiki:

“To green-light something is to formally approve its production finance, and to commit to this financing, thereby allowing the project to move forward from the development phase to pre-production and principal photography.”

We believe by the time Batman v Superman: Dawn Justice is in theaters, Wonder Woman will more than likely already be filming or at the least in pre-production.

There’s nothing to worry about, lets focus on the positive of this article– it definitely confirms that Michelle MacLaren is in fact directing Wonder Woman, as her involvement with the film has yet to be officially announced by Warner Bros.

Source: Vulture

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