Patty Jenkins Reveals Sequel Idea for Wonder Woman


Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins in a recent interview with the Toronto Sun, goes on to explain what she would like to see story-wise in a sequel to Wonder Woman, if there to ever be one and if she were to direct it.

“I’m excited for her to come to America and become the Wonder Woman we are all familiar with from having grown up around her as an American superhero,” Jenkins told the Sun in a recent interview. “I’d like to bring her a little farther along into the future and have a fun, exciting storyline that is its own thing. Wonder Woman 1 is so much about her becoming the person she is. I can’t wait to spring forward with who she is and have another great standalone superhero film.”

Jenkins also goes on to talk on how she always wanted to make an origin film for Wonder Woman a decade ago, as the first film for the character:

“I always thought the origin story would be the great way to go,” she says. “I love origin superhero stories and I love the simplicity you can have with that journey. Also, there was the fact that no one had done her story and the fact that I love her. So it was a treasure trove of potential.”


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