Wonder Woman Barbie Coming Spring of 2016


As we previously reported, Mattel is debuting Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice toys at San Diego Comic Con. Among those toys, that we didn’t report on in the other article, because we felt this was deserving of its own article, is a Barbie doll of Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman.

This will be the first official toy to be announced of Wonder Woman from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The doll will be on display at Comic Con and will be available to purchase in Spring of 2016.

Mattel has a new Barbie line coming in the spring, and at their booth the company is showcasing a doll based on actress Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman from Dawn of Justice. Standing 12 inches tall and featuring a sword, shield, tiara, bulletproof bracelets and her signature lasso of truth, Wonder Woman is part of the Barbie movie collection along with Superman and Batman.

Wonder-Woman-barbieSource: USA Today

DC Movie Comic Con Panel Details Released
Mattel To Debut Batman v Superman Toys at Comic Con