Zack Snyder Says He Doesn’t Think the Audience Needs to See Man of Steel to Understand Batman v Superman


As previously reported, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice director Zack Snyder has made his rounds for the Doritos Crash the Super Bowl and recently spoke to the Hall of Justice Podcast, which he confirmed that the film is about 99.9% done, then was asked by the host if people would have had to seen Man of Steel to get Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which Snyder had this to say:

“I don’t think so. I think what you get from this movie, is the idea is that in a lot ways it’s a prequel to Justice League. If that makes any sense. We knew now, where Batman and Superman exist and once we had this notion that, if Batman and Superman now exist in the same universe, that means there’s a float gate of DC characters.”

Take a listen around the 6:22 mark:

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