According to actor Bryan Callen, two times Oscar winner actress Cate Blanchett, was up for a role in Wonder Woman. Callen spoke on it when talking about auditioning for a role in the film, during his podcast The Fighter And The Kid, where he then mentioned that the director of the film Patty Jenkins, was in London with Chris Pine and other famous actors like Cate Blanchett.
The topic of discussion was how hard it is to land roles in Hollywood, this podcast took place on July 15th, before we officially knew Wonder Woman was being filmed in London:
“I auditioned for Wonder Woman, which is shooting in England and I had to play a Scotsman. I worked on this accent for a good 3 days, 4 days. I went in there and I told a story, for a long time, I didn’t even hear from the director, she’s a good friend. Not only did I not get the part, I didn’t even fuckin’ hear from her and I’ve known her my whole fuckin’ adult life and she didn’t even call me! I’ll tell you where she is, she’s in London with Chris Pine and with couple other really famous actors, like Cate Blanchett.”
Though according to Justin Kroll from Variety, who’s a very reliable source, he states that Blanchett has passed on the role.
You can listen to Callen talk about it around the 1:01:25 mark:
Thanks to @Juanmies for the heads up!
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