Gal Gadot Was Up For A Role in Man Of Steel Before Wonder Woman


Gal Gadot who’s our Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe, spoke to the Israeli site Xnet on her past and current career, which she then admitted to something that comes as a big surprise for many of us fans.

That is, she was actually up for a role in Man of Steel, fans speculate it was for the role of Faora-Ul, which ended up being played by Antje Traue at the end.

Have you experienced in your private or professional life something you would define as total failure?


No, and not because I didn’t experienced failures, but because the really important stuff for me I do have, and every failure or a miss I had in my career is fine. Everything that should happen, happens, and everything that shouldn’t- doesn’t. Karma is everything. I’ll tell you a little story: when I was four months pregnant with Alma, I got an offer to play the villain character in Superman (Man of Steel). If I wasn’t pregnant I would have taken the part, and there’s no way they would taken me for the Wonder Woman role.

Thanks to @juanmies for the heads up and @ynordia for the translation.

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