How to Help Save Constantine


As its been reported earlier today, NBC has stopped production on Constantine after its completion of its first 13 episode order.

This news has put fear in many fans of the series. The fear is, there’s a possibility the show won’t be picked up for a second season. Even though there’s no official word on the show being cancelled by NBC, one thing we’ve learned over the years of being fans of television is–you as a fan can’t sit idly waiting on the official word on whether or not a show has been picked up by the network.

Because of this, we have constructed a list of actions fans of Constantine can take part in to show support and to also help ensure a second season.

1. Watch The Show

This sounds like something you as a fan are already doing obviously, but there’s more ways to do it that can help:

  • Watch the show on HuluPlus, iTunes, Amazon Instant Video and any other paid tv watching services online as soon as it releases the following day.

This helps because on services like HuluPlus, iTunes and Amazon Prime they rank shows by popularity, if Constantine reminds on the top of the popularity list, it can get others who may have not taken an interest before or known of the series to possibility start watching. It’s also said these number are also looked at by networks. It can’t hurt.

  • Watching the show on DVR within the 24-hour period and not skipping through commercials.

If you’re the type of person to watches Constantine afterwards on a DVR, don’t wait a few days later to do so! Watch it as soon as possible within the 24-hour period and don’t skip through commercials. Networks look at DVR numbers and count them to their rating numbers. Though, those numbers won’t mean much if you’re skipping through the advertisement that pays them to keep these series like Constantine on the air… so be sure to not leave the commercials running.

2. Tell Everyone About It

Tell friends, family members, coworkers or anyone who’ll listen to you about how great Constantine is. Word of mouth is one of the best forms of promoting a tv series.

This can be done in person, on a personal blog, through Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube or any other social media site.

3. Show Constantine Off

When we mean show Constantine off, we basically mean to advertise on your website/blog or social media by putting a promotional photo of Constantine on it. Either as a profile picture,  a cover photo, a banner header or something to that effect. It’ll be even more helpful if you use a promotional photo that shows that it’s a tv show on NBC, with the date and time when the show airs.

4. Rate, Like and Share

Like, share and send invites to the Constantine Facebook fanpage to all your friends:

Rate Constantine 5 stars and write a postive review about the series on Rotten tomatoes:

Rate Constantine 10 on Metacritic and write a positive review about the series:

5. Sign the Petition

Sign the following:

6. Write To NBC

Tell NBC how great Constantineis and how much you want a second season for the series. It also very important to be professional about it, don’t insult them or say anything that would be considered rude.

There’s a few forms of writing to them and we suggest using them all:

1. Through their contact page on their official website –

SELECT THE BEST OPTION > I have feedback on NBC Programming > Select show or category > Constantine > I have a Comment or Suggestion / I have a Complaint or Concern / I have Other Feedback

2. Through the mail, using the following address:

NBC Television Network
30 Rockefeller Plz
New York, NY 10020

3. Through Constantine’s social media sites:
Twitter – 
Facebook –

7. Create A Campaign

Take everything on this list, join up with other fellow Constantine fans and work to spread the word as to how to help Constantine receive a second season.

As of right now, the actors have already started a campaign. Lets join them and do everything we can (as listed above) to show our support for the series and to also help ensure a second season!


If you have any more ideas to add on to this list in terms to how to help save Constantine, please let us know!

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