Lynda Carter Wants To Be a Consultant For Wonder Woman


Lynda Carter, who played Wonder Woman in the television series from the 70’s, spoke with Jessica Shaw and Sara Vilkomerson on Entertainment Weekly’s radio show “Inside TV”.  In an interview Carter spoke on how she’s excited to see the story of Wonder Woman carry on and adds that the needs the female perspective for it to work, as well as said she would love to be involved creativity with the film as she believe she understands the character and of course the female perspective.

Carter also said she would only agree to appear in the movie if it’s more than just a cameo, that she wants to appear as someone important to Wonder Woman like her mother, which is what some fans have campaigned for her to play.

“I would love to be involved in a creative position of it,” Carter said. “I know so much about what people want from it, I think, that just being as a consultant on a movie. I think it needs a woman.” She explained that women understand women.

To listen to the full interview.

Source: Entertainment Weekly

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