Mark Hamill who has famously voiced The Joker in Batman: The Animated Series, along with other DC animated series like the current Justice League Action and many of the DC animated films such as Batman: The Killing Joke, replied to a tweet by a fan on Jared Leto who played The Joker in Suicide Squad, stating that Leto like all great actors made The Joker his own.
Like all great actors @JaredLeto made the part his own! #Respect
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) September 23, 2017
Jared Leto will be reprising his role as The Joker in Gotham City Sirens and Suicide Squad 2, both film which don’t have official release dates, but have directors with David Ayer taking on Gotham City Sirens and Gavin O’Connor with Suicide Squad 2.
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