Originally Scheduled Episode of Supergirl “How Does She Do It?” Replaced due to Terrorist Attacks in Paris


CBS has originally scheduled episode of Supergirl that was to air tomorrow titled “How Does She Do It?”, to replace with “Livewire” which was originally scheduled to air on November 23rd,  due to the Terrorist Attacks in Paris last Friday Night.

In the episode of “How Does she Do It?” there’s a scene where bombs go off around National City and CBS felt it would had been in poor taste to air the episode. No set date has been announced for the airing of “How Does she Do It?”.

“Live Wire” synopsis:

Kara’s Thanksgiving may be ruined when she suspects her foster mother, Dr. Danvers (Helen Slater), who is coming to town, disapproves of her new role as a superhero.  Also, when an accident transforms a volatile CatCo employee into the villainous Livewire, she targets Cat and Supergirl.



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