Executive Producers for The Flash and Arrow Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg talk on the 2-part crossover episodes between The Flash and Arrow titled “Legends of Today” and “Legends of Yesterday”, set to air on December 1st and 2nd.
“This is a crazy, full-on ‘To Be Continued’ crossover,” continues Arrow EP Marc Guggenheim, noting that unlike last year’s crossover—basically two separate stories that involved each show—this one “really feels like a 2-hour movie [airing] over two nights.”
“It’s really funny watching Digg [David Ramsey],” laughs Kreisberg. “He is constantly blown away by the Flash’s abilities.” In addition, Kreisberg teases that there will be “great Baricity moments—not that Felicity is going to leave Oliver for Barry, but scenes between Grant and Emily Bett Rickardsare always magical. They have such great chemistry.”
“These [episodes] have important stuff going on for the narratives of both The Flash and Arrow, ” offers Kriesberg, while Guggenheim all but warns us that the already established members of the Flarrow universe are in for some serious shaking up. “The final moments of The Flash have a pretty big jaw-dropper and we pick up those threads in Arrow,” he says. “Then we do some things with the characters from Arrow…that are pretty epic and major.”
Source: TVinsider.com
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