The Audience’s Reactions to the Batman v Superman Trailer Attached to Star Wars


As some fans have been made aware, there’s been heavy debates towards the latest Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer online, mainly by those who tend to follow movies very closely and of course by DC fans themselves.

Like the trailer or not, the collective agreement towards the latest trailer seemed to be that it was basically made for the casual movie goers, which leads to real question– did the trailer work for the audience it was built for?

Well the true answer to that question was put to the test this past weekend in front of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens showings.

Leaving us with a pretty clear answer of “Yes”, the trailer did in fact work for the casual audience, mainly towards to appearance of Wonder Woman in the trailer, that I personally witnessed myself it during my second viewing of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, as the trailer wasn’t attached to the first viewing.

Proof of this is that many people have taken to Twitter to share their audience’s reaction to the trailer during their showings of The Force Awakens, and because of this we decided to took it upon ourselves to make a collection of those tweets and feature them in this article.

Of course anyone can say we’re over exaggerating the reaction, but good thing someone was smart enough to record their theater’s reaction to the trailer, which we’re going to use as a lead in, into the other tweets below.


If you by any chance have a tweet you’ll like to share with us, on your theater’s positive reaction to the Batman v Superman trailer, please tweet us @DCComicsMovie.

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