Viola Davis Confirms Amanda Waller Role Suicide Squad Through Interview


Viola Davis yesterday at the press junket for her latest film Blackhat, Viola Davis was approached and asked about Suicide Squad and her role in the film, which she’s said to star in as the top-ranking U.S. Government agent Amanda Waller.

Davis told me she’s still working it out and has not begun reading comic books for research yet. “Not yet,” Davis said. “I have not started reading them yet. I’ve read up about her but I’m working out my schedule for Suicide Squad.”

However, she clearly loves the character and said she can’t wait to delve in. “I’m fascinated by her. I’m fascinated by her in this world of superhero-ness because she is not a woman that you would expect. I think that she is a massive contradiction. She’s this big powerful black woman, hard, ready to pick up a gun and shoot anyone at will. I’m fascinated in exploring her psychology, just put it that way. And I’m excited to pick up a gun.”

Suicide Squad set to release on August 5, 2016.


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