Wonder Woman to Start Filming on November 23rd?


The production start date for Wonder Woman seems to been set for November 23rd, according to My World Entertainment.

Along with a production date, additional new information for the movie was also included in production listing, such as new filming locations and a possible plot summary, that honestly reads like a standard Wonder Woman’s origin story.

WONDER WOMAN (aka NIGHTINGALE) – November 23, 2015 – Far East & Morocco & UK & Basilicata, Italy

STORY: The Amazonian princess-warrior Diana left her lush tropical island to dwell in our urban cityscapes of glass and steel. Tutored in the ways of the Greek warriors, and outfitted with incredible gifts the Goddess bestowed upon her people, she becomes Paradise Island’s emissary to civilization.

Not exactly sure how reliable this information is, but it’s worth to keep in mind, but not as official confirmation. Once we learn of something more official, we’ll be sure to report it.

For more Wonder Woman movie news, please visit the Wonder Woman section of the site.

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