Based on the Mattel Toyline from WB Animation in this story a recent string of Animal based crimes brings Batman, Nightwing, The Flash, Green Arrow and Red Robin (in his first animated appearance) face to face with the Animilitia, a rogues group of villains with an animal theme and led by The Penguin. They must work together to stop this new threat before Gotham City becomes a crater.
User Review
( votes)DIRECTOR: Butch Lukic
WRITER: Heath Corson
CAST: Roger Craig Smith (Batman), Will Friedle (Nightwing), Yuri Lowenthal (Red Robin), Chris Diamantopoulos (Green Arrow), Alastair Duncan (Alfred), Charlie Schlatter (The Flash), Dana Snyder (The Penguin), John DiMaggio (Killer Croc), Keith Szarabajka (Silverback), Laura Bailey (Cheetah/Newscaster), Phil LaMarr (Man-Bat), Richard Epcar (Commissioner Gordon).
I normally don’t discuss the packaging as it’s normally just your standard release however, being that this is in partnership with Mattel Toys WB opted to include a toy in this case an orange Man-Bat, Orange you may ask me too, but for the toy collector it’s a nice treat it also provides a 5 dollar discount coupon on any Mattel Batman Unlimited Toy, which is cool too.
As for the film I gotta say I had fun with it, it reminded me of the series Batman: The Brave & The Bold, in which Batman teams up with various heroes and there is a bit of light-hearted humor(not from Batman of course). I did find it curious that The Flash & Green Arrow were here and not other animal based heroes such as Vixen or Robin, but I suppose that is because the Toyline must not have them. The animation is an area I am not too keen on but the story works well enough that I was able to enjoy it anyway and again it’s based on the toys as well so can’t complain there. The voice acting also worked out nicely as we get a few returning actors(not in their previous roles) and some new actors as well. Overall it was a fun experience and if you are not sure about picking this release up rest assured the extras will at least make it worth picking up.
1. Two episodes from Batman: The Brave & The Bold “Super Batman of Planet X” and “Gorillas In Our Mists”
2. 10 DC Nation Shorts
“Justice League of Animals: Snack Run”
“The Bat Man of Shanghai: Cat Woman, Bane, Bat Man”
“Plastic Man: The Bat and the Eel”
“Super Pets: Jokes On You, And B’Dg, The League of Just Us Cows, Krypto vs Streaky, World’s Finest Bark”
3. Penguin: High Society Criminal
4. Trailers (Teen Titans Go, LEGO; DC Superheroes: Justice League vs Bizarro League, Tom & Jerry: Spy Quest)
There is a sequel titled Monster Mayhem scheduled to come on Blu-Ray/DVD on August 18, 2015
Disclaimer: This review is based on my own thoughts and not the thoughts of everyone from DC Comics Movie, with that said let me begin.
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