Elisabeth Shue has been cast as a series regular in Amazon’s drama The Boys, based on the comic series by Wildstorm Comics, which is now an Imprint of DC Comics.
Shue will be playing the character Madelyn Stillwell, who is the Vice President of Hero Management for Vought, in charge of the public persona as well as the assignments of the Superheroes in the world of the series.
The series is from Supernatural creator Eric Kripke and Preacher‘s creators Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen, with Sony Pictures Television.
Shue’s character description is as followed:
Madelyn is a tough negotiator who rides roughshod over public relations dilemmas, such as when Superhero A-Train accidentally kills an innocent bystander and damage control needs to be done at any price, or when a city Mayor requests a Superhero for his own beleaguered town.
The Boys still doesn’t have an official release date.
Source: Deadline.com
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