Geoff Johns Confirms Working with Ben Affleck on the Batman Solo Film


The Chief Creative Officer at DC Entertainment and the co-runner of the DC Extended Universe, Geoff Johns, during an interview with confirmed what has been previously confirmed by Ben Affleck and that is Johns is in fact working along Affleck on the Batman solo  film.

“I do get to say I’m working on Batman with Ben Affleck,” Johns told us with a smile. “That gets the Thanksgiving table excited, especially my brother.”

In the interview Johns also spoke on his role with Warner Bros. divisions when it comes to the DC Comics projects:

“My job is to help other Warner Brothers divisions work with DC. I work with Warner TV and producers to get these shows up and running, in particular with The Flash, where I co-created the show, wrote a few episodes, wrote the pilot episode,” Johns said. “I work with other people, Ames Kirshen in games, the studios like Rocksteady and Netherrealm, go in there on character choices, story they’re going to do and brainstorm on that, try to keep it true to comics.”


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