Jon Schnepp Developing Television Series Which Will Look at Justice League: Mortal and Much More


Jon Schnepp and his Producer/Fiance Holly Payne, who both developed The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? documentary were recently on Kevin Smith’s podcast Fatman on Batman, where Schnepp made an accidental announcement concerning a television series they’re now developing, that will be in the way of his Superman Lives documentary.

While Holly Payne did initially stop him she did go on to say that George Miller’s Justice League: Mortal is one of the failed projects as well as others such as McG’s Superman story, they will be taking a look at.

Check it out around the 18 minute mark. They also discuss that if the series happens they would love to get Nicholas Cage to come on and share his thoughts finally.

At 32:33 Kevin Smith talks about how he declined to be the head of a DC Cinematic Universe as he was asked by those in charge in the early 90’s.

Around 36 minute mark Jon Schnepp announces a new documentary in which will cover all comic books in print and film called Sweaties: Rise of the Uber-Nerd. Which will look at the ever-growing popularity of the comic book genre as well as the fall that needs a boost within the pages and the creative necessity needed.

This development does make us wonder if the previous Documentary that has been in development will still be made or perhaps their research can be utilized.

You can also view the Documentary The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? on, as well as Hulu Plus through the Showtime Subscription. So there is now no excuse to not see this great documentary and make it more apparent that these type of documentaries fans want to see.

Eric Curto
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