Lynda Carter Will Not Appear In Wonder Woman


According to The Washington Post, Lynda Carter will not be appearing in the upcoming film adaptation of Wonder Woman, when interviewing Pete Sanders, a representative of the DC Veteran actress. Sander went on to say  “She wishes its success. ”

Back in 2010 Lynda Carter did say she would only appear in a film version if the role was more than just a cameo and added something to the story, a choice that could certainly be respected.

The supermodel turned actress made a name for herself as the Star Spangled version of Wonder Woman in the 1975, which despite only airing for 3 seasons became a huge success. Lynda Carter returned to DC Television in season 6 of Smallville, in the episode “Progeny” as Chloe Sullivan’s long missing mother Moira Sullivan.

Of course anything can happen as the film is currently shooting and they can always cast her late in the filming progress as Chris Pine was the one who started the notion that perhaps she was when he was unable to answer the question of her involvement.

Eric Curto
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