Michael Ironside is no stranger to the DC Universe, he voiced Darkseid in the DC Animated Universe (from 1996-2005), has voiced Batman in the episode “Legends of the Dark Knight” of The New Batman Adventures and played General Sam Lane (Lois Lane’s father) on Smallville.
He continues to add to his DC resume now with being cast in The Flash episode “Family of Rogues” as Lewis Snart, the father of villains Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and The Golden Glider(Peyton List). I should note Peyton List also played Lucy Lane on Smallville, so this won’t be the first time she has played the estranged daughter of Michael Ironside.
This announcement comes from The Hollywood Reporter who broke the news and described the character as the following:
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, as Lewis is described as cold-blooded, ruthless career criminal. Recently released from prison, he returns to Central City with a plan that will endanger both of his children. In the comics, not much is known about the Snart patriarch other than the fact that he was so abusive to his son — the future Captain Cold — that the boy spent more time with his grandfather who ran an ice truck.
It was said at Comic Con that the characters like Captain Cold would begin to delve deeper into their back story and to set them up for Legends of Tomorrow, so its very possible Michael Ironside will be seen there as well.
This makes the third person from the DC Animated Universe following Mark Hamill (The Trickster/The Joker) and Clancy Brown (Lex Luthor), as well as the second person from Smallville.
Below are just a couple of examples of Michael Ironsides previous DC adventures. Welcome back sir.
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