Reactron and Livewire Confirmed for Supergirl


The Supergirl panel for San Diego Comic Con revealed that Livewire and Reactron will be among the heavy hitters Supergirl will face in Season 1.

Livewire was introduced in Superman: The Animated Series voiced by Tank Girl herself Lori Petty and made her first live action debut on Smallville played by Anne Mae Routledge as a member of Tess Mercer’s version of Injustice League, Check Mate or Task Force X, it’s never officially given a name on the series but Tess was a member of the Suicide Squad. It’s great to see this character appear on this series, she is a strong outspoken personality that will go great against Supergirl’s strong heroic role.

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Reactron, there are two versions of the character, it’s not known which version we’ll see but it’s a safe bet due to the similarities we’ll see a fusion of both. Reactron is also a member of the Suicide Squad, so question arises if we may see him as part of that team or whenever it happens that Supergirl crosses over into The CW Universe if we’ll see him join up with the Squad. Reactron eventually has a Krypntonite heart similar to Metallo, so it’ll be interesting to see if they will go there.

Unfortunately no casting has been announced thus far, but we will update you when that happens. It’s great to see that we will see Supergirl villains and not solely get Superman villains.


Eric Curto
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