Warner Bros. Executive Assistant Teases Zack Snyder’s Cut of Justice League?


Justice League is already released on digital services and its home video release is coming soon on March 13th, but may fans are still doing what they can to try to convince Warner Bros. to allow Zack Snyder to complete the vision he had from the start.

Snyder’s been teasing this for a couple of days now, posting images of the cast along with a photo of a cut in his hand (i.e Snyder’s Cut) and now Kendrick Pejoro, an Executive Assistant at WB has added his own tease that it’s a possibility.

Kendrick Pejoro, posted on his Vero account an image from the deleted scene featuring Kiersey Clemons as Iris West along with a photo Snyder had posted saying “We almost had it, I love that sweater. Can’t wait for Snyder’s Cut #IBelieve”

It’s not clear if he is another supporter for seeing Snyder’s full vision or if his place at WB is telling us he knows some facts, so this is not a confirmation.


Zack Snyder left the Justice League film when his daughter passed away and left the reigns with Joss Whedon to finish the films reshoot production. Warner Bros. took the opportunity to have the film cut down to a two-hour run time. Along with that Whedon added in his own humor. It’s been rumored too that many of the tie in scenes with both Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice were cut down or cut out.

A Snyder cut of Justice League would be a massive bonus for fans of the theatrical cut and Snyder’s vision of the DC Extended Universe. It’s just a matter of Warner Bros. setting up a budget to complete visual FX and some new ADR from the cast and of course Snyder’s willingness to do it, which by the hints suggest he would. It be even better if it got a limited theatrical run this year as Aquaman is the only DC Film coming to us in 2018.

In 2006 Richard Donner finally got the chance to complete his vision for Superman 2, using very limited amounts of Richard Lester’s footage for the film, so it’s not impossible or unbelievable to think Warner Bros. would give this route another try.

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