Will Damian Wayne Be the Villain for Arrow in Season 4?


In a recent interview for TVLine, Michael Ausiello revealed that at the end of Season 3 of Arrow a character they refer to as Damian Dark, will appear throughout Season 4 as the villain for that season.

Question: Anything cool coming up on Arrow? —Julie
Ausiello: The show’s Season 3 finale will introduce a major, formidable, fierce new foe for Oliver, and his reign of terror will continue well into Season 4. The mysterious character is being referred to internally as “Damian Dark,” which got Matt Mitovich and I (but mostly MM) pulling up and skimming the Wiki page of one Damian Wayne. Get it? Damian Wayne. Son of the Dark Knight. They’d probably have to tweak the Bruce Wayne connection, but it’s a plausible theory, no?

This has people speculating this could be Damian Wayne, the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul, grandson of Ra’s Al Ghul. With the some tweeking to avoid connection to Bruce Wayne, could this be where we’ll see what happened with Oliver’s son? Could Oliver’s son stand in for Damian Wayne? Many see the series as a Batman-ish show(with good reason) but this could be crossing the line, which the writers can never come back from.


TVLine has since updated their scoop with the following note:

Readers better-schooled than Matt Mitovich and I (but mostly MM) notes that Damien Darhk is a H.I.V.E. operative per DC lore, and thus is more likely to be introduced.

Source: TVLine

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