Zack Snyder Wasn’t Fired From Justice League


Many news sites reported that Zack Snyder got fired from Justice League early 2017 and that Warner Bros. simply forced him to use his personal tragedy as a way out of bad publicity for them. A report we never personally believed as Deborah Snyder stated she and Zack were working on Wonder Woman 2 with director Patty Jenkins, something that wouldn’t happen if Warner Bros. did fire Zack from a previously production.

Unfortunately many news sites did not recall those facts and ran with the story anyway, with many fans easily believing it as well.

Justice League has its fair share of criticism with many fans boycotting the home video release in hopes that the studio will releases a Zack Snyder cut of the film, something Warner Bros. would never attempts to release an alternate cut as no studio would spend the extra money to release a film they feel, based on sales numbers is not wanted from fans.

Mark Hughes, writer from Forbes went to his social media to put an end to the rumor and share the facts that Zack Snyder worked on the movie until May.

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