Deathstroke Returning to Arrow?


Manu Bennett, who played Slade Wilson/Deathstroke on Arrowmade it clear that he was not the happiest with how the writer’s on the series left the character. This criticism made fans wonder if they would see Deathstroke return.

Stephen Amell, at a recent comic con also stated that Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment have given no restrictions on having the character of Deathstroke return, since Joe Manganiello is now playing the role in The Batman and many fans felt this confirmed the character would not likely be returning anytime soon.

Amell had been teasing fans with a special guest for Episode 100th, which is now filming, so it makes sense to bring back one of the more popular Arrow villains, who has made a appearance since the first episode.

Now Amell recently shared a photo of himself, with someone dressed as Deathstroke, sitting at a park bench, since then Bennett reshared the photo and a fan edit of the photo with Amell asking “Why Are you back Slade?” and Deathstroke then slicing at Amell’s head.


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