Flashpoint Announced for The Flash Movie


San Diego Comic Con had once hell of a surprise when it was announced that The Flash movie will tackle the Geoff Johns comic book story “Flashpoint”.

In Flashpoint, Barry Allen goes back in time to save his mother and in the process changes the history of the DC Universe. In that universe the Atlanteans led by Aquaman and the Amazons led by Wonder Woman, are at war with Thomas Wayne (played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) as Batman and Martha Wayne (played by Lauren Cohen in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) as The Joker.

This storyline is also what gave us the New 52 and has now affected the universe for Rebirth, which many assumed could be used to change the DC Extended Universe in an organic way.

This story has had a couple of adaptations, first in the animated film Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox and recently in Season 3 of The Flash.

We can only assume this also confirms Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash is the primary villain role in The Flash’s first movie outing.

With news breaking Jeffrey Dean Morgan went to his social media to show his excitement for the Flashpoint storyline regarding his andLauren Cohen’s characters.

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