Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles – Episode 3


The official episode 3 of Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles titled “Big” has been released.

Set in an alternate universe where Wonder Woman is actually the New God Bekka, the warrior goddess must take on a horde of Kobra soldiers to save her friend with benefits, Steve Trevor.

As we posted before the Justice League: Gods & Monsters webseries tie in has released their episodes on their Machinima Channel. Now the final episode of Season 1 has been released and of course it’s about Wonder Woman aka Bekka (voiced by Tamara Taylor). Unlike the last two episodes which had a darker tone, this seems to be more playful.

In the original continuity Bekka is the wife of Orion and is a New God on New Genesis, here Bruce Timm has made her the Wonder Woman of this Universe.


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