Preacher Cast Give Updates on the Pilot


A few days ago Ian Colletti, who is playing Eugene Root/Arseface on Preacher sent out a tweet that was later retweeted by Evan Goldberg (co-writer/co-director) that he had finished shooting his scenes for Preacher.

Thomas Barbusca also tweeted that they had finished shooting in New Mexico, not known yet if he meant just him or all New Mexico scenes, its also unknown what role he is playing.

Elizabeth Perkins, who plays Vyla Quinncannon also announced her arrival a few days ago

Jamie Anne Allman, who plays Betsy Schenk also sent out a few tweets and an instagram photo.

Derek Wilson, who is playing Donny Schenk also sent out a few tweets about his time filming

Than Seth Rogan sent out another tweet with what looks like co-executive producer Garth Ennis, who was the co-creator of Preacher with Steve Dillon and who also worked on both the film and TV versions of Constantine.

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