DC Hopes And Predictions For 2016


The end of the year is upon us, and it’s been an interesting year for DC. We’ve already discussed the highlights, and now it’s time to talk hopes and predictions for 2016.

A Successful DCEU

The next installment of the DC Extended Universe will be unveiled this coming March, in the form of the highly anticipated Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. And with it, DC will once again establish itself as a major player in the superhero game. But, in order for that to happen, Batman v Superman must be not just good, but amazing, in order for the DCEU to stand as a cut above the rest.

With everything we’ve seen thus far, in the way of trailers, interviews, promotional art, etc, I personally have every confidence that this will indeed be the case. However, it goes without saying that there’s a lot riding on Batman v Superman to be massively successful on both a critical and financial level, and it’s a safe assumption that Warner Bros. and DC Comics are well aware of this.

More DCEU Announcements

Speaking of the DCEU, ever since DC’s film slate was first announced over a year ago, it’s been shrouded in mystery; fans have been clamoring for every piece of news (and even rumors!!) they could get their hands on. Alas, anything in the way of official announcements have been scarce, leaving fans to default to the multitude of rumors that have hit the ‘net regarding DC’s burgeoning Extended Universe. Some of those rumors have proven to be true, not quite so.

With the recent announcement of the upcoming half-hour special, featuring DC’s own Geoff Johns and DC mega-fan Kevin Smith showcasing trailers and footage from the next three DCEU films, it looks like more announcements are exactly what we’ll be getting.

Hopefully after the premier of Batman v Superman and beyond, we will get more and more official announcements for casting, directors, promo art for characters, and even more films, etc…. Anything to keep our DC appetites whetted.

Deathstroke and Martian Manhunter in the DCEU

While remaining on the DC Extended Universe subject, I’m sure all of us have our favorite characters that we hope to show up in DC’s shared universe of films. For me, it’s Slade Wilson and J’onn J’onzz.

There have been hints and rumors that Deathstroke may show up in DC’s Suicide Squad film, but as of yet, nothing has been substantiated. And while I personally have been more than pleased at the Manhunter’s appearance on the Supergirl TV show (just one of the many highlights of an already fantastic series!), I am also hoping that his presence on the show does not discount him from taking his rightful place as one of the premier, A-list characters alongside on the big screen.

More DC Animated Series

For decades, DC has ruled the roost when it comes to comic book related animated series on TV. No other publisher has come remotely close. However, aside from Teen Titans Go!, and the Vixen short series on the CW Seed, we’ve suffered an animation drought for the past few years, as it pertains to a DC-related series.

There have been hints that Warner Bros. is working on a new series based on the Justice League of America, and the promo art for that looks quite promising. Here’s hoping we hear more about this in 2016.


Ever since the announcement from during San Diego Comic Con that Milestone Media and DC Entertainment were once again reunited, I personally have been waiting with bated breath to see what is to come from the Earth-M section of the Multiverse. Thus far, mum’s been the word, although we were initially told that things would begin to manifest sometime in 2016.

Milestone represents so much untapped potential, especially when partnered with DC. And it doesn’t just pertain to comics either, but TV, animation, video games, and even movies. We saw Milestone characters prominently featured on Young Justice; could that happen again? Is there a chance that Milestone characters could appear in the DCEU? Hopefully 2016 will tell.

Updates On Static Shock Web Show

Speaking of Milestone, the announcement of the Static Shock TV show came some time before the announcement of the DC-Milestone reunion. Like much of DC’s upcoming projects, aside from a succinct message from the Milestone creators that the project is still being worked on, we’ve gotten very little in the way of any actual information on the series.

Here’s hoping that 2016 will bring us news on casting, production, and even an airing date.

The Return of Injustice

I have been an Injustice junkie for the past couple of years, with my enthusiasm’s end nowhere in sight. At this point, the only thing that would keep me from playing this, one of the best fighting games to come out in years, is perhaps a new Injustice: God Among Us game.

Injustice creator Ed Boon has tweeted no less than a couple of times over the past year, that something is cooking with regards to Injustice, but as of yet, nothing has announced. Meanwhile, the Injustice comic book has continued to endure, maintaining critical success. One would imagine that the upcoming Batman v Superman film would serve as a great way to reintroduce Injustice to the masses, complete with new skins, new characters, and other new features.

Constantine Returning to DCTV

As discussed, Constantine’s TV series is tied with Birds of Prey, as the shortest lived DCTV series to date. The character managed to resurrect from the dead, in a way that is quite befitting of what Constantine represents.

Still, Constantine fans are craving more. Since then, there have been unsubstantiated rumors that Constantine would appear as a regular character on the upcoming DCTV show Legends Of Tomorrow, but nothing in the way of official word has been received on when or where the “Petty Dabbler” will appear next.

A Unified DC Universe

When DC Entertainment rebooted their universe in 2011, I personally was excited for the change. The reboot gave us the New 52, which started off as a slow burn, but quickly became a unified DC Universe. As time progressed, DC opted to try a slightly different direction, this time with a new initiative called the DCYou.

This initiative, while not a reboot, and maintained the New 52 foundation, was intended to depict the DC Universe in a more diversified manner. While the diversity has definitely been appreciated, I for one miss the continuity that the New 52 had built. As it stands, we have a DCU that shows many of our favorite characters in different places in time, with little to none of those depictions seemingly relating to the other. Here’s hoping that 2016 sees a return the New 52 model, or at least something closely resembling it.
So, fellow DC enthusiasts, what are you looking forward to most from DC in 2016 and beyond? Sound off in the comments below.

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